Posts in Progress
How Instagram Is Hurting Your Business

If you're anything like me you wake up every morning and do the Insta-Ritual. You check your notifications and likes on your recent post, then check to see if you gained or lost any new followers. Does this sound like you? If so, you understand the feeling you get after you check your profile and realize that you've suddenly hit a plateau.

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Modeling Progress (Feat. @LajoyPhotograpy)

It's always good to go back to where you started and measure your growth from then to now. Since a young age, I've been interested modeling but didn't think I had the look, regardless of how many people told me I should go for it. I would play around with my friends that were aspiring photographers, worked at Abercrombie & Fitch taking pictures every now and then but nothing too serious. This year I decided to look into it...

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